When paying a traffic fine by mail, please include your name, citation number and/or driver’s license number along with your payment. Payment must be in the form of a money order or other certified funds. No Checks Will Be Accepted! Make the money order out to Cook County Probate Court.
You will not be able to pay your citation online if you were charged with a must appear offense. Online payments are accepted until 12:00 AM on the day you are due in court.
Payments should be made payable and sent to:
Cook County Probate Court
212 North Hutchinson Avenue
Adel, Georgia 31620
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions about traffic citations.
Georgia Super Speeder
Under the provisions of the ‘Super Speeder Law,’ the Department of Driver Services (DDS) is responsible for the administration and collection of the $200 Super Speeder fee, not the traffic court. Payment of the Super Speeder fee can be made at the DDS website, by mail, or in person at a DDS Customer Service Center.
Click here to learn more about Georgia’s Super Speeder law.
How can I pay?
Many tickets can be paid without making a court appearance. To see if your case is eligible to pay online visit https://tgov.us/cook . Note that it can take up to 14 business days for tickets to appear in the system.
Click here for a list of fines and payable offenses
What should I do if I miss my court date?
Missing your court date is a serious offense and you should contact the court immediately if realize you have missed your court date. If you miss your court date for either a criminal or traffic citation, you are in failure to appear (FTA) status and a bench warrant will be issued for your arrest. In addition, your driver’s license will be suspended. If you are pulled over by an officer, you will be arrested.
You may be charged an FTA fee for missing your original court date. If you have a valid medical excuse or documentation of being incarcerated, bring evidence to your new court date.
When is my court date?
Your court date is written on your ticket.
You can also look up your citation to confirm your court date.
Do I have to appear in court?
Use our online payment website to see if your ticket can be paid and resolved without a court appearance.
You may be eligible to enter a plea in abstentia, please click here if you wish to submit a reduction request to the Solicitor. If you are still unsure you should contact the court about your case before the schedule court date.
Can I change my court date?
No, unless you have a valid medical excuse, family emergency, or documentation of being incarcerated
It is your responsibility to contact the clerk’s office to find out if your request for a new court date has been granted.
What should I do on my court date?
Arrive early. You should plan to arrive early for your case to compensate for any unexpected delays. Once you arrive in court, you will pass through a mandatory security check before being allowed to enter.
Proceed to the courtroom. Courtrooms are located on the 2nd Floor. Deputy at security check will show you the stairs to access the courtroom.
Check in with courtroom staff. Each courtroom has staff that can give you more information about your case. Check in with them to learn more about what will be required of you. Be advised that court staff, solicitors and the Judge cannot give you legal advice. Be patient as there are multiple cases on the court’s calendar each day. Please consult an attorney or a public defender if you have a legal question regarding your case.
What are the possible outcomes of my case?
If you enter a guilty plea or a nolo contendere plea you will be required to satisfy the ruling of the court. This may include paying a fine, payable by cash, debit, or credit card. Some offenses can also result in jail time, including mandatory jail time under certain circumstances. You can also be ordered to complete community service or educational programs at the discretion of the judge.
Partial Payments / Payment Plans
Partial payments are not accepted and payments plans are provided if you are placed on probation.
Once a case has been adjudicated, the court will provide the defendant and attorney with a certified copy and/or a regular copy at no cost on the day of court. If the defendant and/or attorney request a certified copy after the day of court, a $10 fee will have to be paid to the court pursuant to OCGA 15-9-60(k)(23). If the defendant and/or attorney request a regular copy after the of court, a $10 search and production fee will have to be paid to the court pursuant to OCGA 15-9-60(k)(28).